Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hong Kong Disney was a blast!

Hey everyone! It's 8:25am on Sunday in Hong Kong. I'm going to have to apologize for the short blog. We're minutes away from needing to check out and head out to the airport to catch our flight to Chengdu. Yesterday was a total blast at Disney! I can give you a little teaser and say that we were the Grand Marshalls at Disney yesterday and Lily charmed them all! After we get settled in our new hotel this afternoon, I'll update you on our adventures at Disneyland and what our next day or so will look like. Thanks again for all of your prayers! God has been so incredibly good to us in this process and once again I have to say that we feel blessed in abundance! Miss you all and talk to you very soon! :-)

1 comment:

Tammyz said...

Only ONE MORE SLEEP, right?!!!!! I figure it is about 3:15pm Sunday afternoon there right now... What time of day will you actually have your whole family together on Monday?? Have you met up with other anxiously awaiting families?? Oh, we just can't wait until you get to kiss those sweet cheeks!! The kids ask every time I get on the computer if there are any new pictures of Lily's sister yet...too cute!!! :D We are praying!!