Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Continuing to pray for a miracle

Hi all! It's hard to believe that we are 6 days from leaving! Yea God! I wonder when it will all sink in. :-) At any rate, we are continuing to cling to God for His provision for the remainder of our adoption. We found out on Monday that we were turned down for another grant so we've almost exhausted those resources. We have no idea how God is going to do the rest but we continue to choose to trust that God will not leave us high and dry. We're hoping that 1 or both of these last 2 grant agencies will come through and have compassion on our journey but we just don't know. Ultimately, we keep reminding ourselves that the money is God's job, not ours. Please continue to pray for provision for us and for our strength and faith as we are exhausted.

In the meantime, we're continuing to finish our packing, organizing paperwork, getting ready for our travel conference call with our agency, etc. We are continuing to pray for safe travels and health for all of us. Thanks so much for all your prayers and encouragement! Every single one is lifting us up and making a difference!

We continue to lift up the precious people in Haiti and ask for safety and protection from the looters as well as for the provisions to make it in the areas that need it most. We're continuing to pray that the State Dept. will bring more orphans home to their forever families and have celebrated those precious 54 that arrived yesterday! Yea God!

Well, that's the latest and greatest with us. Thanks again for all of your prayers on our behalf!

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