Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good morning from San Francisco!

Hi everyone. Well, the miracles for today so far are we landed safely in San Francisco, they did NOT lose our luggage & the hotel let us check in early! Yea God! We have been hanging out in our hotel since early this morning, eating, swimming and sleeping! Jim has to keep pinching me because I still can't believe that we are ON OUR WAY to get our new daughter!

I tried to upload a mini-video from this morning but am having trouble figuring it ou. I'll keep trying and let you know if I have any success. Thanks to all of you who are praying for us! We have felt your prayers and are especially thankful as this next leg - from San Francisco to Hong Kong at midnight is going to be especially brutal. Please pray that we would all (especially Lily & Jim) be able to get decent sleep on the plane. 15 hours is daunting but even in this, we are trusting God to watch over us and provide His strength. Talk to you soon!

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