Thursday, January 21, 2010

New provision...

Hi everyone. Praise God for His great timing and provision! We had $1200 come in yesterday and today for our adoption and I finally slept last night! Only $6300 to go! Thank you all for your prayers on our behalf! We're still praying for the grant agency to come through but we'll see what God does. Either way, we're incredibly thankful and grateful that God loves us and Jasmine enough to provide for us and are trusting Him for the rest. We are truly humbled and blessed. I can't believe we're 5 days away from leaving for China! Our official pick up date of Jasmine is 2/1. 1 week from Monday, I'll be holding our new daughter in my arms and kissing her precious cheeks. It seems so surreal to even say that! I wonder all the time if she's getting lots of love from her foster mom, are they showing her our pictures, etc? How will she react when she sees us? Will she be scared, shy, upset, happy? I can't wait to see Lily's face when she sees Jasmine in person for the first time. How will she react, etc? Amazing! Our God is so good and I can't imagine our lives without Him. To give us two amazing and precious girls - what an incredible gift!

Thank you all again for all of your prayers and encouragement on our behalf! We thank God for all of you as well and may God bless each one of you in a special way for the role you have played in our adoption! We'll continue to keep you posted and talk to you soon!

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