Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year everyone! We had a great time with some wonderful friends for New Year's Eve. We continue to see God's provision as a co-worker of Jim's annonymously left $100 at his desk on Thursday and then another precious friend gave us another $100 that night. We are so humbled and amazed at how God has provided and continue to thank Him for all of you! Additionally, He's provided (from 2 different people) a ride to the airport when we depart on 1/26 and a ride home when we get back! We are thankful for every detail He has put together!

It's hard to believe in 24 days, we'll be leaving for China! We can't wait to hold our precious little girl in our arms and eventually see that precious face smile! We are continuing to trust God for the rest of the monies needed and for all of the little details that need to come together between now and when we leave. We also can't wait to see what God has in store for us this year and pray that you and your families' are blessed beyond imagination! We love you!

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