Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Prayer for Haiti!

Hi everyone! Join us in praying for Haiti! What a horrible disaster to hit any country, let alone one so poverty stricken! We are donating to the Red Cross for disaster relief for Haiti and encourage all of you to give generously to the charity of your choice as well. It's times like this where we need to be the hands and feet of Jesus...I just wish we could give more!

No new updates to report on our adoption. We're still awaiting our in-China travel and hotel totals to come in. Apparently CCAI is working to try and join another family to our little family group (which will help bring down our in-China costs) so we're having to wait while they do that. We're praying that we have enough cash to cover those expenses and are trusting and clinging to God to bring in the final amounts that we need. We're hoping to have everything in place before we leave be we also recognize that God may have a different plan. Thank you all for your incredible support, love and prayers on our behalf! We are so humbled and thankful for all of you - you have each made a huge difference in our lives and we'll be forever grateful!

In the meantime, we wait and countdown! Only 13 more days until our departure! Wow, I can't believe it's almost here! Sleep has been getting more and more difficult...perhaps God's way of preparing me? I am continually trying to keep my focus on God. On Sunday, our pastor shared that "you worship what you focus on." Ouch! How true that is! So, we're both desperately trying to focus on God and not on the how's and why's and what's. I want my worship to go to Him alone and not what He can do for me.

Well, thank you all again and I'll hopefully have some more updates in the next couple of days. Thank you all for your prayers! We need them! We love you and we'll talk to you soon!

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