Monday, January 25, 2010

Miracles of the day....

Hi everyone. So today, I asked God to invade my day and do what He wants to do today. I wanted to share with you all what God did today. We've been praying for Jim's co-worker who's adopting 2 little girls from Haiti and today we found out that the 2 girls are now in CO w/their forever family! Praise God for that miracle! Then we had another precious co-worker give Jim $250 towards our adoption. Once again, praise God for His incredible provision! Finally, after posting what I thought was one of my worst postings ever (lack of sleep has hampered my brain and ability to communicate), I heard from several people that they felt encouraged. Yea God! When we are weak, He is strong! I can't wait to see what God does tomorrow! We'll try and post some more once we get to San Francisco but continue to Praise Him for His faithfulness and provision. Thank you all for your prayers and support and we'll talk to you soon!

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