Saturday, January 23, 2010

Our Itinerary

Hi everyone! It's hard to believe we're only 3 days away from leaving for China! Yea God! I posted a copy of our itinerary below the pics of Jasmine so you all have an idea of what we'll be up to while we're there. Again, we're hoping to post updates almost every day (other than when on the plane) so you can all see what we're up to. We'll be finalizing all of our packing this weekend and then we'll be off early on Tuesday morning! We've had 2 more gifts of $125 come in towards our adoption - you all rock! We are so incredibly thankful for how God is providing in our journey to Jasmine! Between adopting Lily and now Jasmine, we have had the most amazing journeys and wouldn't change a thing with how God has knit our family together. Well, I'm off to do the last loads of laundry before we leave and then clean, clean, clean! Who says I don't know how to have fun?! :-) We love and miss you all and we'll talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Tammyz said...

Yea!!!!! The time has finally come!!! We are thrilled for you!!! I see Lily gets to go to Disney as a reward for surviving that long flight!!! Wow! That is SO special!! We will be watching for the updates each day and of course we will continue to pray. I get goosebumps thinking about the long journey to hold Kymberlee in my God's timing was perfect. The same is true for you!!! In a few days you will be kissing those sweet cheeks!!! Be safe & have FUN!! xoxo