Friday, May 29, 2009

We're in our new home!

Hi everyone! Thanks so much for your prayers as we have made it through our move (barely) and are now in our new home! Yea God! This has been one of the roughest weeks for us yet so we greatly appreciate all of your prayers on our behalf! I'll try to post pics soon of our new place. We "e-vited" a number of friends to come help us move on Memorial Day but only 3 friends from church and our retired neighbors showed up. We were extremely happy to have those awesome people show up but heartbroken because our entire small group blew us off. All but 1 didn't even respond. Thank so much to Kim, Don, Erin, Jack & Phyllis! You guys rock! We muddled through the day and ended up having to additionally rent a moving truck on top of the 2 pods! (And we had sold and donated a lot of items prior to our move!) Yikes - it's amazing how much stuff we accumulated in our last 7 1/2 years! We were packing that truck w/our 2 incredible neighbors until 2:30 on the day of closing but praise be to God, we finished before closing on Wednesday, with the house nice and clean to boot! Closing went really well and we were able to chat w/the new owners who were very nice this time! Thanks again to God for that! :-)

Yesterday, we moved into our new place and this time decided to hire 2 movers to help us as most people work during the week and that turned out to be a great move! Between my sister, brother-in-law and the 2 movers and us, we were able to get everything moved in by 1:30 yesterday! In the midst of all of this, one of our cars broke down and Jim got in a minor accident in the moving truck. Holy cow - what a week! But we are all safe and sound in our new place and thanking God for His hand in every single detail. We are additionally thankful to all of you for your prayers and your support. We will try and update you soon with something more than moving stuff!

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