Monday, May 11, 2009

House updates....

Hi everyone! We got all of our signatures back from the sellers we're trying to buy from so it looks like everything is lined up on that end! Now we wait to see what happens with these 2 buyers of ours. We did get the inspection report and the items that our buyer wants fixed. The inspection was actually really good - mostly very minor items as we thought. Regardless of that fact, we will not be fixing anything for this first buyer because of the incredibly low price that they got our home for. We'll be signing the paperwork to that fact and hopefully we'll learn very quickly if they're going to stick with us or go elsewhere. We're having a contractor come tonight and take a look at the list to give us a bid for the items requested by our buyer. In the event that they bow out, we'll be able to quickly get those items fixed for our back up buyer. Either way, we are trusting God to work things out to completion with one of these buyers and feel incredibly grateful for His presence and leading during this process. We are continually thankful for all of your prayers as well! We have all managed to fight off whatever we were coming down with so we're extremely grateful for God keeping us healthy during this time.

We will keep you all posted and please continue to pray for God's will for the selling of our house and the details that need to come together.

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