Friday, May 8, 2009

We have a house?

Hi everyone! Thanks so much for your continued prayers for us! It looks like we may have a house! We're trying to buy a short sale in Meridian Ranch and they've accepted our counter-offer. The best part is that we will be able to move in after closing on our house here and live there until the short sale is approved. Yea God! This means we won't have to look for temporary housing plus moving twice which is HUGE for us! We're so wiped out from this whole thing so we're extremely grateful that God was able to work out an option that won't uproot us multiple times.

In the meantime, we're continuing to pray and trust God for our adoption costs as we won't have any money from the sale of our home to go towards our adoption. We know, without any doubt, that God led us to sell our house at the time we were led so we are trusting Him that He has other plans to provide for our adoption. In the meantime, we continue to wait until the day that we get "the call." We've just finished the process of extending our immigration "stuff" and just got our application to get our 2nd set of fingerprints done.

We can't thank you all enough for all of your prayers and support! This has been one of the most draining, exhausting and discouraging times we've ever gone through but we're grateful that God has walked this with us despite how things felt from time to time. We are completely dependent on Him to be our protector & strength and to restore us back to health physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually. We'll continue to keep you updated as we get ready to move to our new house and new location as well as updates on Jasmine.

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