Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We're home!

Yea God! As you saw, from Jim's earlier post, we are home! We were unable to post anything once we flew to mainland China due to the government restrictions on blogs. We had no access to any blogs, facebook or twitter and so could only send out limited emails. So sorry for the long absence but hopefully this will help you all get caught up!

It was a harrowing trip home as there was a lot of turbulance and we're completely exhausted from the trip & jet lag and from dealing w/Jasmine's tough times. There's more to update but for right now, please continue to pray for us as the last few days home have been extremely rough. Acclimating our bodies back to this time zone has been tough enough but we've had multiple sleepless nights because Jasmine has been inconsolable for hours on end. Please pray for wisdom and discernment and REST!!!! We are so beyond depleted right now and really need God's hand on our family.

For now, please feel free to go back through the blog and read the stories and see the new pictures. It took me about 3 hours to update and I've not even tackled the videos or our facebook yet! I'm trying to do this while things are still fresh so I can have these memories forever. Thanks so much for your prayers and we'll talk to you soon! :-)

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