Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2/13/10 – Departure Eve

1 more day until we leave! Yea God! Hi everyone. We wanted to say thank you so much for all of your prayers and encouragement. You have all been absolutely amazing in supporting us and we thank God for you all the time. We have not had the quiet times that we had hoped while we’ve been gone, we’ve been brought to the brink (especially me) and back and yet God has still NEVER forsaken us nor stopped watching over us. We don’t deserve such an amazing God.

It’s hard to believe that this part of our journey is almost over. In so many ways, it feels like months and months since we’ve been gone. We’ve really been able to experience quite a bit of Jasmine’s culture and as enjoyable as that’s been, we are so ready to get home and get back into some routines. We are completely counting on God (“Counting on God” by Desperation Band has become our mantra for this whole journey) to finish the bonding and attachment that He has already completed in Heaven. I’m reminded again how, with God, there is only NOW and NOW has been finished. It helps remind me that I don’t need to do God’s job because it’s already done. I just need to focus on my part. It’s amazing how relieving that is!

At any rate, this will be my last post until we get home. We’ll continue to need your prayers as we expect the first few weeks to be rough and exhausting as we acclimate back to a 15 hour time difference and the exhaustion from the trip, not to mention adjusting to a new family member & her adjustment to us. We’ll be clinging to God to get us through and can’t wait until things begin to level out a little. We’ll be overwhelmed a lot and will need your prayers and encouragement to get us through the tough times ahead. Thank you again for partnering with us on this journey! Much more to come!

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