Thursday, February 25, 2010

Great ideas!

Thank you all for your encouragement and some really great ideas! We're going to try them all and see what works. Today was a better day, Thank God, so we're extremely thankful for that. Some of the ideas had to do with taking the negative and turning it into a positive by engaging Lily's help with Jing Jing and really celebrating her role as a big sister. One friend had additionally thought having Lily help with things that are more nurturing like helping put lotion on Jasmine for example. She also suggested having mini-one-on-one time with both girls by literally bouncing from one girl to the other and having 5 minutes here and 5 minutes there while the other one is occupied w/a play activity. We're going to continue to reinforce discipline/time-outs when she doesn't behave and try to help her put herself in Jing Jing's shoes. Hopefully between all of these ideas and switching their rooms around, we'll see a little bit of progress. In all of this, we continue to trust God for strength and wisdom and discernment as we see what works and what doesn't. Thanks again everyone and we'll continue to keep you posted!

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Leah said...
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