Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gotcha Day – Part 1

Good morning from Chengdu! Well, it’s definitely looking like our communication will be more limited while we’re here! Sniff, sniff. At any rate, we’ll see if we’ll have a better ability to communicate when we get to Guangzhou. We’ll be here until 2/5 and then we’ll fly to Guangzhou for the remainder of our trip. In the meantime, we’ll still keep a journal and take lots of pics that we hope to share with you, worse case scenario, when we get back into the states!

So TODAY is GOTCHA day! Yea God! It’s hard to believe that this day has finally come! We’re going to be meeting in the lobby of our hotel and will actually get to drive to Jasmine’s orphanage to get her and Bodie (the new son of the other family we’re traveling with)! We’ll have an opportunity to meet the nannies and see where she’s been living this past year. We were told that she has been told that she’s going to be adopted so we’ll see how she reacts when she sees us. I had sent a care package to her months ago w/a little baby book with our pictures in it and I’ve been praying that they’ve been showing her the pictures all of this time. Regardless, God has been preparing our little daughter for us just as He’s been preparing us for her and we are trusting Him to work all of those details out!

At any rate, thank you all for your prayers and support! We'll be talking to you soon!

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