Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We might have a buyer!!!

Hi everyone! So just a quickie update - we rec'd an offer on our house late last night!!! We're not quite celebrating yet as they came in way low and we've already slashed our price. We're in the process of countering that offer today and hopefully, if all continues to go well, we'll be under contract in the next day or so! The amazing thing in all of this is that we both feel at peace (exhausted but peaceful) despite the low offer. In the meantime, since we slashed our price, we've had a bunch of showings and previews so overall we've felt encouraged and more importantly...affirmed that we are on the path that God wants us to be on. We will definitely keep you all posted and appreciate your continued prayers over this process. If we do get under contract, we'll be quickly hopping into "house-hunting" mode and would appreciate your prayers for a miracle in finding a house that we can afford and that is newer and therefore less maintenance than our current house.

Thanks everyone and we'll talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Erin said...

OOoohh! How exciting! I'll bet it all happens fast now- with the house and the adoption! Prayers for you and Jim!