Thursday, April 30, 2009

Keep on praying....

No real news yet, everyone, so please continue to pray that God's will be done in the possible sale of our house! The buyers are sleeping on our counter offer. They wanted to counter our counter but when our agent explained that we are at our absolute bottom, they decided to wait and make a decision sometime today. Their agent and ours both feel like they're getting a phenomenal deal (which they are) and both are encouraging them to take it. We're also praying for that but feeling peaceful that one way or another God will bring us a buyer. Thanks to our families and friends for their amazing prayers as we have felt so incredibly peaceful, despite the low offer, that we're on the right track and felt God's hand guiding us thru this process. Yea God!

Additionally, if you all can be praying for our health - we're all 3 fighting off colds 'cause we're all just run down from this. Please pray that we'll be able to stay healthy and that hopefully this stress will be over and we'll be off and hunting for a home for us soon! Stay tuned and hope you all are doing well!

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