Thursday, December 17, 2009

God continues to provide!

Ok, so sorry about the long last post, I'm really not sorry. :-) God did so much on Sunday alone, that I just had to share. But wait, there's more! Since, Sunday, God has been up to His creative ways again and has sent us some money for our adoption. On Monday, we received 2 checks in the mail from some friends, totaling $515 to go towards our adoption. Totally awesome!

Then, yesterday, the doorbell rang 3 times and the phone rang. As I was trying to juggle finding the phone and answering the door, I saw a little flash of someone running out of the corner of my eye. I giggled to myself as I was figuring our cute neighbor boys were ding dong ditching and thought I'd catch them in the act. I peaked out the window and to my surprise, no one was there. I did see an envelope on our doorstep w/our names on it so I opened the door. I again looked around and could find no one lurking about so I picked up the envelope and went inside. Inside the envelope was a card congratulating us on our adoption and $300 cash! No signature. I was completely shocked and yet laughing at God for bringing us money for our adoption via a ding-dong ditcher!

So far today, God's brought us another $50 through another precious friend! I am truly overwhelmed by God's amazing grace and provision and by precious family and friends who have wanted to partner with us in bringing Jasmine home. God is providing, just like He said He would! God is so good! We continue to praise and trust Him and can't wait to continue to see the creative ways He works everything out. Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers and support! We love you!

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