Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Staying IN Business sale!

Hi everyone! Times are tough for everyone right now and 4-Ever Family is feeling the same pinch that you all are. So, we've decided to have a "Staying IN Business" sale and open house to help lower some of our inventory and help us weather these tough economic times. On Friday, Dec. 5 from 6:30-9 pm at our house, we're offering 25% off of all of our items! You can partake of delicious Holiday desserts while selecting items for your Christmas list! And, we'll be donating 10% of our profits to Children's Hope Chest so your purchase will make a difference!

We have a variety of parenting resources as well as books by Tom Davis, President of Children's Hope Chest, beautiful baby blankets and keepsakes, Scrapbooks, gorgeous picture frames and signature frames and a variety of Willowtree Figurines and Angels. Not to mention all of the products listed on our website! We really hope that you'll be able to come! You can rsvp to me at and I'll send you directions!

Hope to see you there! Happy Thanksgiving and Merry CHRISTmas!

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