Thursday, October 30, 2008

Exploring adoption....

Well, it's been a little while since I last updated. I was talking w/a friend today and thought this would be a great topic for my blog. We were talking about how exploring adoption in the beginning can be overwhelming. I want to affirm is overwhelming in the beginning. Deciding whether or not to adopt is overwhelming in and of itself and then you add in the "adopt from where" part of it. Domestic or international or foster adopt? Etc, etc. What I want to say to you, if you are in the beginning of your journey, to not worry if things feel a little overwhelming. Regardless of where you are, take the time to check out various types of adoption, read on adoption, talk to families who have adopted, pray, etc. Take your time and be thorough in your research. Adoption is and should be forever so approach it that way. God will make it clear to you if you're meant to adopt.

For those of you in the Colorado Springs area, there's an opportunity to check out foster adoption a little further. Focus on the Family has joined with the Colorado Division of Welfare and various adoption agencies and ministries to bring you "Wait No More." It will be held at New Life Church on Sat., 11/22/08 from 10-2pm. You can register at and if you register before 11/14, lunch is free and included. This is a fantastic way for you to hear more information about the 700 children who are waiting to be adopted from the foster care system in Colorado.

If you have found some resources that have been particularly helpful for you in exploring adoption, please feel free to share w/us! One of the most helpful resources for us was a seminar called "If You were Mine" that was put on by Family Life. It was about 4 hours or so and gave information on all types of adoption. It was a great first step for us and kind of got the ball rolling for our journey.